If you’re looking to get your associate degree from a school that’s affordable and focused on your actual career, then you might want to check out Penn Foster College.

One of the things that makes Penn Foster College stand out is their long list of accolades, licensing, and accreditations. You may not think this is a big deal, but think about this: would you feel comfortable going to a school that didn’t have any accreditations? Would you like to go to a school that wasn’t a member of any educational or professional programs?

Probably not. Going to a school that is heavily involved with other licensing and accrediting programs means that school truly cares about the quality of their education. And, Penn Foster definitely cares about what they’re passing on to their students.

The school is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC). They’re licensed by the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education, and they’re recommended by the American Council on Education College Credit Recommendation Service. And if that wasn’t enough, Penn Foster College is a member of 21 educational and professional organizations.

The school is definitely well known.

Another cool thing about Penn Foster College is that their semesters start all the time- literally. As soon as you enroll, you can start class; there’s no waiting around for “next semester” to start.

Penn Foster also makes it easy for you to see how much your education is going to cost. For instance, some schools charge a regular tuition rate, but then you have to go out and buy a long list of books and supplies before you get started. Not at Penn Foster. The costs for your books and supplies are included in the tuition price, so there are no nasty surprises.

There are also over 20 online associate degrees to choose from, ranging from Civil Engineering Technology to Graphic Design to Finance. At Penn Foster College, you definitely don’t have to settle for a degree you’re only mildly interested in.

Another thing the school has done for their students is to set up discounts with several large retailers. This means that once you’re enrolled you can save on things like Apple computers, air or rail travel, school supplies, and much more. They have links on their site for every retailer they’re affiliated with, so you can start saving immediately.

Penn Foster also wants to make sure you can find a job once you’re done with school. Their Career Services Center will help you with resume prep and submission, cover letter design, interview prep, and job searches.

Penn Foster College has been educating students for over a century, and they’ve consistently held accreditation since 1957. So, you can rest assure that when you get your degree from this school, it’s going to be one that will hold up in the real world and help you get that job or promotion you’ve always dreamed about.

Click here to see the Associates Degrees offered by Penn Foster College