Going to school online can be confusing. There are many schools to choose from, and more and more schools now offer online options. If you’re wondering what accredited online learning programs are available, then look no further. We’ve got all the information you need to help you in your search.

First of all, let’s define what accreditation means. Accreditation is a voluntary review process that schools (online as well as brick and mortar) go through to prove to their students, and the community at large, that they offer a quality education. The accreditation process is no small thing; schools must go through many hoops before the seal of approval is granted.

Going through accredited online learning programs offers many benefits. First of all, they’re not “hoodwinked” into going to a school that is nothing more than a scam (and, believe it or not, but there are plenty of those out there). When you go through an accredited online learning program you’re awarded a degree that holds up in the real world.

Going to an accredited online school also ensures that you’re eligible for financial aid. Many scholarships and grants won’t apply to schools that are not accredited. Want to know how many students have learned this the hard way? Many, in fact, and it’s not pretty when it happens. Also, accreditation ensures that your credits will transfer to another university. Many students have learned this the hard way. Schools will not accept credits from a college or university that is not accredited, so if you want to transfer to another school, don’t waste your money going to an institution that isn’t accredited.

It would be impossible to list all the schools that are accredited. When you’re doing your own research, just make sure that accreditation is at the top of your list. Finding out about a school’s accreditation is just as important as knowing how much they charge for tuition or what degrees they offer.

If you are interested in getting your associate’s degree online all the schools listed on this site are accredited.