Hopefully, just before you earn your associates degree online, you will already have many job offers and or have already accepted a job. But, let’s be honest, these are hard economic times and very few college students have jobs before they graduate. Also, you may want to go on and start working on your bachelors degree. Given that, here are 3 things you should do after you earn your associates degree online.

1. First, you should make sure you have a well developed online presence. This can be in the form of your own professional webpage. You should make sure your professional webpage has an updated copy of your resume and links to all of your professional work. There are many different ways you can make a free webpage. Google has many options. Or if you want something a little extra with your own name as the address you can pay a small yearly fee. For example, my own personal website at: http://www.briancsteinberg.com

2. Second, you should continue job searching. One great resource that you should be using is LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/ This is a great online job searching and networking resource/website that you simply must join and use once you earn your associates degree online! You can also use other forms of Social Media like Facebook and Twitter to job search and professionally network.

3. And finally, you should make sure you are in contact with the institution you graduated from and earned your associate degree online with. You should ask some of your online professors and even online adviser to write you electronic (E-mail) letters of recommendation as many perspective employers ask for this. You should also make sure you know how to get copies of your academic transcripts. Also, finalize all financial matters including financial aid and student loans.

Also, some online students go on to work on their bachelors degree online after receiving their associates degree online, either at the same online institution or a different one. If this is the case for you, then prepare for this next stage the same way you did when you first started your associates degree online.

Do you think you need to do anything else after you earned your associates degree online? Please let me know via Twitter @onlinefac.

Stay tuned until next week when I write another innovative and thought provoking blog post on online education!